Wrote this  in the final moments of watching the Tragically Hip’s historical final show tonight.   Love P

Most of us will either fade away
Living out our final days, months, years, in a shell of who we were
Clinging to memories that grow more elusive as we are surrendered
Or we leave the party so suddenly we never got to do the rounds or thank the hosts

To get to play your goodbye
And scream your thank you list
On a stage
With the nation’s lungs breathing and hearts beating in unison with yours

To get to be present, really present
Facing truth
Feet in all worlds
Shiny pants
Feathered hats
Sock scarves
Surrounded by friends
The best of them and and all of them

To have created anthems for the country’s kisses
First dances
Summer nights
Road trips
Every in-between
Lyrical landmarks

To shine SO brightly
No dress rehearsal
This is your life.
And to do it all with such Grace, too.

What more could you ask for
What more could we ask for

Thank you Gord.
Thank you The Tragically Hip.
