The tour train rolls on, this time across the pond in Europe, some dates FULL BAND, some as a double bill with the great Royal Wood, all of them sure to be a great time!  See full listings below and see you out there on the road!  Am only home for 24 hours so have to go back my bags!   Love P

Peter Katz Full Band

Friday August 26th: Musig i de Altstadt, Aarau, CH TIX: 

Saturday August 27th: Musig i de Altstadt, Aarau, CH TIX: 

Peter Katz Solo

Sunday August 28th: Gewerbehalle, Luzern, CH

Wednesday August 31st: Private Event, Bern, CH

Thursday September 1st: Rox, Spiez, CH

Friday September 2nd: Private Event, Basel, CH

Peter Katz (*FULL BAND for NL shows) + Royal Wood

Saturday September 3rd: Warstaal, Bern, CH

Sunday September 4th: Neo, Zurich, CH TIX:

Monday September 5th: Tuchlaube, Aarau, CH

*Tuesday September 6th: Paradiso, Amsterdam, NL TIX: 

*Wednesday September 7th: Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht, NL TIX:

*Thursday September 8th: Hedon, Zwolle, NL TIX:

Sunday September 11th: Whelan’s, Dublin, IE TIX: 
