Hi folks,


The time has come for me to make a new studio album! I have been writing like a madman and I have so many new songs I can’t wait to share with you.


As with my last record, I’m inviting you to be a key part of the process through my Perk Campaign.


At the core of this campaign is a simple request:

If you think you might like to buy the album in the future, perhaps you would consider purchasing it now to save me from dealing with extreme debt and excessive bake sales. That’s the essence of what I’m hoping for, and if you were able to do that, you would be making a huge difference in my life. BUT… I thought I would extend some additional perks for those who might want a little more (or a lot more, there’s some pretty fun options if you read below). It’s very important to me to relay that I’m not looking for hand-outs here, I want to offer something in return, hopefully this feels like a fair exchange to you.

Here’s what I propose:

(sales now closed)

“Good Samaritan” $20:
An advance copy of the new album, autographed (if you’d like)
SHIPPED to your front door BEFORE the release date in your country.
Your NAME printed in the liner notes!
Exclusive updates, demos, photos, videos, artwork, etc. throughout the recording process.
Stickers, buttons, and whatever fun swag I can come up with.

“Frequent Volunteer” $50:

Everything listed above but you’ll get 2 copies of the album
+ a T-shirt of your size and colour selection

Local Hero” $150 – $250:
Everything listed above but you’ll get 3 copies of the album
+ 2 VIP tickets to any show of mine (including meet and greet before the show where you can eat/drink my rider backstage…if I have one…I’ll get one if you’re coming)

“Good Mayor” $300 – $500:
Everything listed above but you’ll get 4 copies of the album and 4 VIP tickets to a show of mine
+ A 60 minute guitar lesson, writing session, book club chat, whatever you want (within reason) when I’m in your town. If you’re too far away and I’m not coming over to you soon, we can Skype!

“National Icon” $650-$850:

Everything listed above but you’ll get 6 copies of the album and 6 VIP show tickets
+ I will come play a house concert for you and all your friends at your house or venue of choice(when I’m on tour in the area, which is pretty much always)

“Superhero w/ a really cool superpower” $1,000-$1,500:
Everything listed above but you’ll get 10 copies of the album and 10 VIP show tickets
+ I will write a song, just for you or your loved ones and send you a proper recording of it.

“Superhero w/ unlimited powers” $2,000-2,500:
Everything listed above, but you’ll get 20 copies of the album and 20 show tickets + I will take you out on tour with me for 2 days and find a way of incorporating you into my set. I’ll cover all the expenses(within reason…no pouring Crystal out of limousine windows…at least not the whole bottle…) we’ll have a great time!

“Superhero w/ unlimited powers and an amazing outfit” $5,000-$6,000:
All of the above but you’ll get a box of CD’s (35) and VIP guest-list for life. + I will arrange a plane/train ticket, hotel and car for you to come to Toronto and join me during the recording process where I’ll find a way of getting you on the record!

“Creator of Universe” $7,500:
All of the above
+ I will fly you to Toronto and set you up for 3 nights at a super nice hotel.I’ll take you out to concerts, cook you dinners, perform private concerts whenever you’d like and show you a great time in this amazing city. (If you live in Toronto, I can take you somewhere else)

“Antimatter” $10,000+:
All of the above
+ While you’re in town hanging out with me, recording on my record and doing all the other fun things listed in the above categories,I will make arrangements with world-class musicians, producers and recording studiosto fully produce a song of yours. We can write it together, it can be one I write for you, or one you wrote yourself.Whatever it is, I will take care of everything including your flight and travel expenses and you’ll end up with an incredible recording and experience at the end of it.

And finally, the return of the ever-popular ‘Choose your own Perkventure’
For $???
What would you like? What can you afford? Let’s make it work. As an example, someone last time wanted a recording of just the guitar part for ‘I Do’ in a higher key so she could perform it at a wedding. Someone else wanted ‘Jackson’s Song’ redone with their son’s name. Whatever it is, however much you can afford, drop me a line in response to this email and we can figure it out.


If you prefer not to support online, mail works too, please send to:
Peter Katz
PO Box 65006
RPO Chester
Toronto, ON
M4K 3Z2

There it is folks, plenty of ways you can be involved, hopefully one of them suits you. Again, more than anything, I’m hoping you’ll simply be willing to pre-purchase the album, but all options above are 100% sincere.

Much thanks in advance for your support, take care, Peter

n.b. “The Camp Song” is now available on iTunes (English and French!) LINK: http://goo.gl/ZZc0i

n.b.b. Tickets for big CD release of “Peter Katz Live at the Music Gallery” at The Music Gallery in Toronto on Sept 23rd are now onsale! LINK: